How to make a purchase?
Through our online system, which runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can check availability and purchase any tour and service in only three steps. Select the product or service, process the payment, and print the voucher.
Which are the payment methods accepted?
How do I confirm the purchase?
Once the service has been booked and confirmed, the system will ask for your personal details and your debit card number. As soon as the charge is authorized, you are informed about the transaction’s result. Once we get the payment’s approval you will be sent an e-mail with the confirmation and voucher.
What is the proof of payment?
As soon as transaction is authorized, you receive an e-mail with the transaction data and the voucher. The voucher includes full details of the service. Upon entering the show, you will be asked to show the voucher, either paper ticket or the electronic one. The voucher will be the sole valid document to enter the show, and it will be requested upon entering the place.
Can I communicate with Argentina Tango?
The system is ready for you to buy the product directly online. If you wish, you can also send a message through our chat on the web page.
Which are the payment methods?
You can purchase by credit card, cash, bank transfer or debit card. To pay by debit card you need to come to our office personally. The address is Esmeralda 909 piso 3 Of B Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires – Argentina.
What does the show include?
Each show has different shuttle services and schedules, different menus and children’s policies. You can check on the flaps Resumen, Menú e Importante of each show.